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My girlfriend and I are rapidly becoming crazy guinea pig people. The lockdown seems to be accelerating our descent.

When we first got the boys, they lived in a 150x60cm cage. 

Today we extended their dwelling for the fifth time in eight months. At 213x138cm, their home is now larger than a double bed. 

The other night we talked about taking Pappa, Blake, and Toothless for a professional photoshoot. 

There’s a style of photograph that’s popular with suburban parents. Portraits of their children/grandchildren set against a plain white background and printed on canvas. That’s what we wanted for our piglets.

The next morning I had a brilliant idea. 

I was sitting in it when I realised that our bath tub provided the perfect setting for artistic photoshoots with our fur-children. 

The handsome lad at the top of this post is Toothless. He’s the most submissive guinea in our herd. We put him in the bath this morning and fed him small pieces of carrot to keep him calm whilst we took his photograph. 

Well done Toothless, you’ve made mummy and daddy very proud!