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Waiting For The Peak

I remember the anxious anticipation I used to feel immediately before an exam. Waiting to turn my paper. Desperate to start. Even more desperate to finish.

I remember the collective anticipation of millions of pupils staring at the clock, and the atmosphere of the hall in those final seconds of buildup. I remember the panicked sense of doubt as I picked apart my preparations in my head, and I remember hoping for the best.

The way I’m feeling now ain’t too dissimilar. Exam nerves max. The dial on 11.

Waiting For The Peak

It’s a strange feeling

Waiting for the peak

We don’t know when it’s coming 

And we do not know how steep 

The curve will climb tomorrow 

In response to previous weeks

The weeks we passed together

The weeks that did not think

Of weeks when something dormant

Would wake up from its sleep