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The Monster Bed

One of my favourite stories as a child was The Monster Bed. I wanted to hear it so often that my mum committed every word to memory. She can still recite them now. It’s about this little monster called Dennis who lives in a scary cave with his mum. He’s fairly polite, but kicks up a right fuss at bed time. He’s scared that human’s will get him during the night. 

His fear is understandable. People do frightening things. 

I don’t want to spoil the ending too much, but Dennis does encounter a humanoid being. Some kid who’d bunked-off school and ended up lost in the woods. Little fool. He wasn’t a threat to anyone though. Just another frightened creature looking for safety. Most humans are.

It hasn’t been a normal Mother’s Day. Our roast dinner was replaced by a socially distant walk. Circumstances stopped the usual traditions. They didn't stop me appreciating my mum though. If anything, today made me realise how much I love my mum more than any Mother’s Day before. 

So, well done Mother’s Day. Objective complete.