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Now My Watch Has Ended

If it wasn’t for the awful ending, I’d be re-watching Game of Thrones during lockdown. I just can’t bring myself to re-invest in characters that I know will let me down.

A reluctant true-king who rose from the dead to fulfil his divine destiny, but doesn’t.

A loyal companion in possession of proof that proves to be be absolutely meaningless. 

An omniscient buddha who’s journey veers suddenly left when he appoints himself prime-minister.

An ominous force of evil that turns out to be an entirely one dimensional baddy who only kills extras.

A vengeful assassin with mystic powers who abruptly discards her to-do list in favour of a gap year.

The last three episodes of that programme were devastating. One of the greatest works of television concludes in the collective anti-climax of every main character.

I’ve still not got over the disappointment.