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My Thoughts on Human Development

Back in the day Homo sapiens - like us - survived with no technology whatsoever. We didn’t even have wheels.

Science was so rudimentary that we couldn’t work out how to make round things roll. But we survived anyway.

Now we use technology for everything.

We need a YouTube tutorial to get out of bed in the morning, and alarms to tell us when.

I can’t even brush my teeth without electricity.

Yesterday I watched a video reminding me to breath. “Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out”.

I dread to think how many people would die without that video. All of us probably.
Our self reliance skills have completely gone. But we’re not embarrassed about it.

Quite the opposite in fact. We celebrate our incompetence. We laud it as a mark of human progress.

“Look how far we’ve come… we can’t travel anywhere without the aid of machinery anymore.”

“Look how far we’ve come… we can’t do domestic chores without the aid of machinery anymore.”

“Look how far we’ve come… we can’t build machines without the aid of machinery anymore.”

We’re a specifies on life support. Purposeless. Useless and proud.

When we inevitably make contact with aliens they’ll ask us, “If machines do all of the work… what do humans do?”

And we’ll tell them, “We push the buttons.”

They’ll respond, “Well, you’d better not forget to do that then!”

And we’ll be like, “Don’t worry… we won’t… our clever phones will remind us when to do it."