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My Thoughts On Hancock Joining The Jungle

When Hancock won his seat at the last election - his constituency was a Tory safe seat.

Now Conservatives risk losing West Suffolk because it's currently held by their disgraced former Health Security who presided over Europe's highest Covid-19 death toll.

Hancock's Political career is over and the reputation of the Tory party is damaged by him being in it.

He needs to reinvent himself, and the Conservatives need to restore some credibility.

Front page headlines stating that Matthew Hancock has been kicked out of The Party for joining 'I'm A Celebrity' suits both of their needs perfectly.

Hancock is now the highest profile celebrity entering the jungle... and The Party has publically cut ties with an MP whose membership damages their brand by association.

It's another cynical move from The Party of PR and I'm personally sick of it.

Leave Hancock in the jungle and vote out the Tories! 🚩