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I Wish

I like the Kerouac method. First thought, best thought. Don’t overthink it, just dive in.

That’s the approach I pushed for when we formed NEON LADY a few years ago. I wanted to record all of our songs in one live take and release everything with mistakes left in. Immediacy over polish! 

We ended up compromising, and I’m glad we did.

Most of the material on our upcoming album comes from a single session at NO studios, but not all of it. We’ve included a couple of home recordings and softened a few edges in post production. 

I Wish is one of the live songs. It’s a pretty good reflection of what we actually sound like (on a good day). 

Our bassist, Greg Nocturnal, came up with the video idea. He recorded the screen while we mimed along during a Zoom chat and attached the audio after.

We wanted a video that captures the do-it-yourself spirit of our band, and reflects the time we’re living in. This ticks both boxes. Well done, Greg!

Our debut album, Cardboard Spaceship, is coming soon! Featuring Jack Taiani on guitar/vocals. Keir Taiani on drums. Greg Nocturnal on bass. Me on guitar/vocals.