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Other than Noel’s one, I’d never heard of Houseparty; until last week. It’s an app that allows you to host video calls with multiple people at once. It seems to have filled our social vacuum.

My dad hates giving away personal information, and my parents are both quite anti-social-media. Even they’ve got it now. 

It’s brilliant thing to have during a lockdown, but I think I’m a bit digitally autistic. I just don’t know how to act. Talking to people who aren’t in the same room as me makes me feel very awkward. I’m better in person.

I regularly ask my girlfriend to proof read my text messages, WhatsUpps and emails before I send them. I don’t trust my own judgement. Sometimes I just don’t send them. I’m an awful replier. I find it all too much. Email. Text. WhatsUpp. Messenger. Instagram. Skype. FaceTime. Myspace. Friendface. Managing them all just feels like admin. 

Before meeting my girlfriend I rarely carried a mobile phone. I only upgraded to a clever-phone two years ago. 

Given that it’s the only safe way to talk to people at the moment, I’m going to have to brush up on my digi-speak. 

Today was a good start. I met up with my family on Houseparty. I was brilliant at the drawing game. My mum struggled; the picture above was supposed to be a planet.  

P.S: Wouldn’t it be great if the CEO of whichever tech company owns Houseparty turns out to be a man with the surname, ‘Blobby’.