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Our state mandated walk coincided with nationwide applause last night. An act of appreciation for NHS workers. 

I love clapping. It’s excellent. I used do this stand-up comedy routine where I told the audience to just clap for no reason. Then I’d tell them to laugh, and they would laugh because they’d got themselves all hyped up just from clapping. No jokes were necessary. 

There was a reason to clap yesterday. 

Our NHS workers deserved that ovation. They deserve one every night.

As we approached our flat, one clap rang out louder than the others. In a doorway surrounded by handrails was an old lady in a dressing gown. I’d guess she was in her nineties. Not just clapping; dancing, and cheering, and chanting as well. “GOD BLESS THE NHS! GOD BLESS THE NHS! GOD BLESS THE NHS!”

It was moving. My eyes welled up. 

God bless the NHS and God bless its workforce. Let them never be taken for granted again.